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Campus Life



주한미국대사관 미국문화시리즈 행사초대
작성일 : 2014/06/13 작성자 : 국제교류팀 조회수 : 1993

안녕하십니까? 주한미국대사관에서 2014World Refugee Day를기념하는미국문화시리즈행사에여러분을초청합니다. 오는 6 20() 오후330분부터World Refugee Day의의미를살펴보는외교관특별강연행사가진행될예정입니다. 관심있는한국학생분들의적극적인참여를부탁드립니다.  


2014 American Cultural Series: World Refugee Day

The U.S. Embassy invites Korean Students to the American Cultural Series Program

Celebrating World Refugee Day.


· Date :    Friday, June 20, 2014

· Time:     3:30-5:00 P.M.

· Venue:   American Center Korea, Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy Seoul(Map: 아메리칸센터, 용산구남영동소재)

Program Schedule:
3:10 P.M.          Students arrive at the American Center Korea

3:10-3:30           Registration (Light refreshments will be served.)

3:30                  Opening

3:30-3:40           Briefing on ACK Services and Web Resources

3:40-3:50           Introduction of the U.S. Embassy Internship

3:50-4:00           Introduction of Speaker

4:00-5:00           Presentation about “World Refugee Day” by Sonia J. Kim and Isabelle Chan, Political Officers, U.S. Embassy Seoul

5:00                  Program ends with Group Photo           




Sonia J. Kimis a Foreign Service Officer currently working as a Political Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul.  She was previously the Staff Assistant to Sung Kim, the U.S. Ambassador to Korea.  She also worked as a Political Reporting Officer at the U.S. Mission to the UN in New York, and as an Economic and Political Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  Before becoming a diplomat, Sonia worked for World Relief, an international non-profit organization, with resettled refugees in Georgia, and on tsunami recovery efforts in Indonesia. 

Isabelle Chan is a Foreign Service Officer currently working as a Political Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul.  She previously covered human rights, refugee issues, trafficking in persons, and women's empowerment at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi from 2011-2013.  Before becoming a diplomat, Isabelle worked to combat gender-based violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cambodia. 


[RSVP: 참가신청 ]참가신청: 참가비는무료이고  사전참가신청은필수입니다.
If you would like to attend, pleas click the following link ( http://goo.gl/y1kJKU ) and RSVP by June 19.

참가신청등록링크: 여기를클릭

참가문의: tel. 02-397-4789, AmericanCenterKorea@state.gov

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